More than 5.8 million people die each year as a result of injuries, accounting for 10% of the world's deaths. Injury is the leading cause of death and disability in people of working age, both globally and in Australia. Despite the enormous burden, the global epidemic of injury is poorly recognised, with a critical need for investment in preventative programs and more affordable, accessible care.
The Injury Division seeks to identify and test cost-effective programs to reduce the global burden of injury, influence policy and scale up proven programs for sustainable change. Our work covers a range of topics from surveillance, observational studies and large scale pragmatic intervention trials through to program evaluation and policy research. Our research cuts across the causes of unintentional injury that contribute most to the global burden – road injury, falls, burns and drowning. Our global research extends from Australia across Asia and Africa, with major collaborations ongoing in India, China, Vietnam and Bangladesh. Within Australia, we have a strong program of research working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to address the burden of injury, develop culturally appropriate programs and conduct pragmatic trials leading to affect change in policy, program delivery and access to services.