Saline vs. Albumin Fluid Evaluation Translation of Research Into Practice Study (SAFE-TRIPS)
This is an international cross sectional observational study to examine fluid resuscitation practice in intensive care unit (ICU) patients across 24 countries.
The study seeks to:
- Document current practice in fluid resuscitation
- Determine if there are identifiable patient characteristics associated with choice of fluid
- Determine whether there are identifiable national or regional variations in the choice of resuscitation fluid (not explained by patient characteristics), and
- Establish an international collaboration that will conduct future fluid resuscitation trials, and provide a benchmark against which individual hospitals and ICUs can compare their practices
Data on all resuscitation fluids administered to patients in the study ICUs on a pre-determined study day(s) was collected. Eligible patients were all patients who were in the ICU during the study day, this includes all the patients who were present at the start of the study day and every patient admitted to the unit during the study day. Point prevalence study of fluid resuscitation practices over 24 hours in 392 intensive care units (ICUs) in 24 countries.
This is an ongoing project; over 390 centres from 24 countries registered participated on one of the three nominated data collection days. Data for 5339 patients have been entered into the study database and final data checks have been completed. Two papers have been published to date with a third paper under internal review.