Fluid Translation of Research into Practice Study (Fluid-TRIPS)

The Fluid Translation of Research into Practice Study (Fluid-TRIPS) is an international, single day, cross-sectional study planned for the second quarter of 2014, coordinated by The George Institute for Global Health, with the purpose of documenting prescribing practices for fluid resuscitation in intensive care units (ICUs) worldwide.

This international cross-sectional study follows on from the publication of large-scale randomised controlled trials and meta-analyses of fluid resuscitation, which provide evidence of how fluid resuscitation may affect patient-centred outcomes.

Fluid-TRIPS is a repeat of the Saline versus Albumin for Fluid Evaluation (SAFE)-TRIPS which was an international cross-sectional survey conducted in 2007 that had 391 ICUs participate from 25 countries and provided insight into international fluid resuscitation practice at that time. Along with establishing if fluid resuscitation practices have changed since SAFE-TRIPS, Fluid-TRIPS also aims to determine the relationship between fluid choice and evidence, along with understand other factors that may influence the choice of bolus fluid in clinical practice.


  1. To describe the amount and type of resuscitation fluid currently administered to patients in intensive care units (ICU) in different countries
  2. To compare the types of fluids used for resuscitation collected in this survey to that collected in the international survey conducted by our group in 2007 (SAFE–TRIPS)


The study is based on the methodology of SAFE-TRIPS, which used a cross-sectional design enrolling adult patients (16 years or older) in participating ICUs that received resuscitation fluid during the 24-hour study period on the study day.

Sites can choose one of the following dates for participation:

  • 30 April 2014
  • 21 May 2014
  • 11 June 2014
  • 16 July 2014
  • 20 August 2014
  • 17 September 2014
  • 15 October 2014

Get involved

We are inviting any ICU from any country to participate in this study. This is a prospective observational study which will require low risk/quality improvement approval by most national/regional human research ethics committee/institutional review boards.

Please complete a site expression of interest if you would like to get involved and return to the Fluid-TRIPS Project Manager Maryam Correa. We thank you for considering participation in this important initiative.

Data management

The data management and analysis will be undertaken by The George Institute for Global Health. Data will be submitted via an online electronic case report form.


The George Institute will fund data management and analysis. We do not have funding for site payments at the time of writing.


  • WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, UTN: U1111-1148-7823
  • Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, Number: ACTRN12613001172796
  • ClinicalTrials.gov register Number: NCT02002013


As of July 2014, 286 sites from 35 countries are currently participating and 4 study days have been conducted.