Trauma Program
Trauma is the leading cause of death in those aged under 45 years and the cause of significant physical and psychological disability across all ages. Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of trauma.
The St George Honda Trauma and Critical Care Program is a strategic program of research which harnesses the already existing expertise and reputation of clinicians and researchers in this area to deliver the most cost-effective return on research investment.
This program will build on existing resources dedicated to trauma and critical care research at St George Hospital and the George Institute for Global Health to not only influence local delivery of care but also provide evidence which will have wider clinical implication and application.
This program includes a numerous projects that will address the systems of trauma care in NSW as well as a number of clinical studies which evaluate the care and services already in practice.
The output of the program will be measured based on publications in high impact journals, development of future research opportunities, enhancement of collaborations and engagement with key stakeholders. The team will work towards providing best evidence to change practice.