Gabriela Cipriano

United Kingdom
Gabriela Cipriano

Planetary Health Research Strategy Development Coordinator

Gabi is a Peruvian Medical Doctor and Global Health student who joined The George Institute for Global Health in April 2023 to support the elaboration and development of the Planetary Health Research Strategy, as part of the Healthier Societies 2023 Fiscal Year Goal. This strategy aims to develop a longer-term strategy for a larger research program so that The George Institute - through its uniqueness and expertise - can address the biggest health burdens related to environmental change.

Previously, Gabi has worked for the Peruvian Ministry of Health as Medical Chief Officer in rural Peru, focusing on Primary Healthcare and humanised and dignified medical treatment. And, as a Medical Student, she volunteered at the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations for over 5 years in which she was part of the Executive Board for two years as the Treasurer. Also, she worked extensively in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Meaningful Youth Engagement and Global Health in which she conducted workshops, projects, and peer education with other international medical students.

Currently, Gabi is an MSc Candidate at the London School of Economics and Political Science as she is studying Health and International Development, with a specialism in Economics. Her dissertation is focused on the rising of temperatures and malaria distribution. Gabi holds a BSc in Human Medicine from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.