Dr Adina Hayek
PhD student
Dr Adina Hayek has commenced her doctoral studies, funded by a HCF Research Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship in Health Services, while completing her training in General Practice.
She is passionate about providing equitable and evidence-based medical care which has led to her desire to become involved in research. As part of her PhD studies, Adina is involved in the development and piloting of a novel complex intervention that aims to improve cardiovascular risk management in high risk individuals within the primary care setting. This intervention will include point-of-care electronic decision support software for general practitioners, a cardiovascular “Polypill” (a single pill containing blood pressure lowering and cholesterol lowering medications +/- aspirin) as well as a pharmacy-based adherence support program for patients. Once developed, this will be evaluated in a large scale trial involving 70 GPs and partner community pharmacies in NSW and Victoria.