The George Institute's new AAHMS fellows
The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS) held its second Annual Scientific Meeting at Translational Research Institute in Brisbane today. (Thursday October 6)
It announced the induction of 50 new fellows, including TGI’s Principal Director Robyn Norton, and Executive Director Australia, Vlado Perkovic, at the meeting “Bench to Bed and Back Again” reflecting the needs to ‘join up’ the wide range of disciplines involved in health and medical research in Australia.
New Fellows are drawn from all states and territories of Australia, and from all aspects of health and medical science across clinical practice and allied health care, with representation from basic translational and clinical research, health economics, general practice and public health.
Vlado Perkovic, who spoke at the induction, said: “It is a great honour for both myself, and my colleagues at The George Institute, to be announced as Fellows of the Academy.
“If we can achieve better integration between clinical care and research we will see better health outcomes for all Australians. The creation of the Medical Research Future Fund was a key milestone in this process. High quality, fully funded research is key to lowering the burden of chronic disease both here and around the world and needs to be supported.”
Professor Frazer, President of the Academy, said: “I am delighted on behalf of the Academy council to welcome the new Fellows to the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences this evening. Their election as Fellows of the Academy will help to ensure that the Academy can promote use of the best in research-informed health care for all Australians.”
Professor John McGrath, Chair of AAHMS Queensland State Branch and Director, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, joined Professor Frazer in congratulating the new Fellows, adding that we look forward to meeting them over the two-day meetings. “The new Fellows bring great skills and experience to our Academy - the depth of talent in the Australian health and medical research community is truly inspirational. “
The meeting on Day 2, “The Medical Research Future Fund – Great expectations and sober realities: Will the MRFF help link bench and bedside?” is open to the public and will feature Professor Ian Frazer, AAHMS President and Chair, AMRAB, the MRFF Advisory Board; Professor Steve Wesselingh, SAHMRI, South Australia; Professor Anthony Cunningham, The University of Sydney; and Professor Robyn Ward, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), University of Queensland; Professor John Shine, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney; Professor Robert Ramsay, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Victoria and; Professor Michael Berk, Deakin University, Victoria.