Servier invests in Australian researchers
Dr Amanda Wang has been awarded the inaugural John Chalmers Post-Doctoral Fellowship at The George Institute for Global Health, to investigate acute kidney injury, supported by Servier.
Australian Executive Director of the Institute, Professor Vlado Perkovic, said the Fellowship was awarded to a leading post-doctoral candidate in the areas of cardiovascular, hypertension, renal or diabetes research.
“We’re excited to announce the 2015 John Chalmers Fellowship, the first of five to be awarded over the coming years,” Prof Perkovic said.
“Dr Wang will conduct her research with the Institute’s Director of the Renal and Metabolic Division, Martin Gallagher.
“She is a worthy recipient who shows exceptional promise, and her work will make a real difference.”
Professor Perkovic said the John Chalmers Fellowship built on a long relationship with French research based pharmaceutical company Servier.
“It is a $400,000 grant over five years to be matched by the Institute” he said.
“Each fellowship is for two years of research, with the second year being paid by The George Institute for Global Health.
“Fellowships such as this are essential to developing highly promising leaders in health.
“This will add to the already excellent research being conducted by The George Institute and the impact it is having to improve the health of people across the world.”
Dr Emmanuel Canet, President of R&D at Servier said the company was proud to partner with The George Institute to create the John Chalmers Fellowship.
“The long history of Professor John Chalmers and The George Institute working with Servier is a perfect example of how industry can independently and effectively collaborate with clinicians and research institutes,” Dr Canet said.
“Importantly, this partnership has resulted in improved long-term health outcomes for patients suffering from chronic disease.
“The support of the John Chalmers Fellowship also further strengthens Servier’s commitment to medical R&D in Australia.”
Professor Perkovic said the fellowship was awarded in honour of Professor John Chalmers.
“Professor Chalmers has been a leader at the Institute and in Australian medicine and research more broadly, with an outstanding record in hypertension research,” he said.
“At least as importantly, he has mentored and developed generations of Australian researchers, so that his impact is amplified, and incredibly broad.
“It’s fitting to have a fellowship in his name, ensuring his work continues to receive recognition into the future.”
Professor John Chalmers said he was proud to be linked to the Fellowship.
“I am honoured that Servier and the Institute have partnered to establish this Fellowship,” Prof Chalmers said.
“In many ways it is a tribute to two landmark trials we have conducted with joint support from Servier.”
“Servier first supported the PROGRESS trial (1994 – 2001) which evaluated the benefits of blood pressure lowering with perindopril and indapamide in patients who had had a previous stroke.
“This was followed by their support for the ADVANCE trial (2001 – 2008) in patients with type 2 diabetes and subsequent follow-up trials.
“We thank Servier for its ongoing support and in particular for helping to fund this fellowship.”