Salt levels in common lunchbox items
Hot off the salt press we have a couple of updates following the issue of the report ‘Salt levels in common lunchbox items’ released to support Salt Awareness Week. The feedback from consumers and food companies alike has been incredible. Lowering the amount of salt in children’s foods is clearly an issue that many of us feel passionate about. We have listened to what you have said and have a couple of notes.
Tixana Pty Ltd have been in touch to let us know that their product Piranha Golden Hash Potato Grills Sea Salt snacks we mentioned in our report are not targeted at children. What they do have for kids is a range of lower sodium snack options that come in neat pack-sizes of 25-28g. Even better, these products comply with school canteen guidelines. So, if you can’t find a zip-lock bag to portion control your chips, this might be a nice option?
Likewise, Goodman Fielder called to let us know about their Wonder White Hi Fibre Vitamin and Mineral bread - popular with families it has salt levels compliant with the latest Government guidelines. Not all the big bread companies have publicly committed to salt reduction but here is a list of those that have.
Great to see the industry focus on low salt products aiming to reduce salt in our kid’s foods. We work hard to advocate for a healthier food supply. Helping kids to a healthy start in life is a public health priority we really care about.
The George Institute for Global Health (ABN 90 085 953 331) (‘The George Institute’) is an independent (not-for-profit) medical and health care research organisation. Our assessments of practices and products must be independent, which is the expectation of our research audience and our obligation under Australian Consumer Law. We are happy to consult with and receive feedback from manufacturers, but all assessments must ultimately be made by The George Institute and its team of experts against our own criteria free of any commitment or undertaking to third parties.