Coffee with Latin America - The challenges of providers: training and specialists

Join us to discuss ‘The challenges of providers: training and specialists’ on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 at 10:30 am AEDT in the next session of our 'Coffee with Latin America' series.
Caring for chronic conditions and multimorbidity has many challenges at many levels of the health systems, from looking after individual patients to how health professionals are trained, from guaranteeing chronic care in rural areas to addressing multiple conditions. Many of these encounters are exacerbated by additional peculiarities of health systems across the world, the ecosystem where health systems operate. The spirit of this series of ‘Coffee with Latin America’ is to learn and find inspiration from each other. Ideas and collaborations will follow.
About this event
Coffee with Latin America series will bring together voices around primary health care, multimorbidity and the continuum of care for chronic conditions.
The overarching goal of this event is to focus on learning health systems -more specifically the continuity of care for chronic conditions- through the exploration of multiple challenges across actors, settings, and systems.
Building on the momentum of past events, this next series will go a step further. As well as swapping stories of success from different regions to see what might be adopted elsewhere, this series will ask speakers and audiences to consider ‘what can we do together?’
Belinda Ford
PhD, MPH, MHM, Research Fellow Health Systems Science - George Institute for Global Health, Conjoint Lecturer Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney
Belinda is a postdoctoral research fellow at the George Institute for Global health. She holds a Masters in Public Health and Health Management and completed her PhD through the George Institute and UNSW in 2021. Her PhD research adopted a health systems approach to evaluate health care services and access for patients with chronic eye disease. Belinda played a key role in the design, implementation and evaluation of the Western Sydney Community Eye Care (C-EYE-C) integrated model of care as both a project manager, and through her PhD studies.
Her current research explores value based health care and evaluation of new models of care in Australia. It explores the integration of primary and tertiary care services and has a particular focus on improving patient access, outcomes and experiences within the health system. She works on projects in partnership with government health departments, not for profit agencies, hospitals, and primary care and allied health services.
Jacqueline Seiglie
MD MSc, Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Endocrinologist, Massachusetts General Hospital Global Health Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Seiglie is an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School, a practicing endocrinologist and diabetologist, and a Global Health Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her research focuses on the epidemiology of type 2 diabetes in Latin America and on the development of scalable interventions that can improve diabetes self-care among Latino adults. Born and raised in Santiago, Chile, she has had a long-standing interest in working to improve diabetes care for Latino adults through clinical care and research. Dr. Seiglie received her medical degree from Harvard Medical School and her Master’s in Community Health and Welfare from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. She completed both her Internal Medicine residency and fellowship training in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Massachusetts General Hospital.
María Sofía Cuba Fuentes
Directora del Centro de Investigación en Atención Primaria de Salud, Médica de Familia y Comunidad, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Dr Cuba Fuentes is a Associate Professor at the School of Medicine at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) and the founding Director of the Center for Primary Health Care Research at UPCH. Her clinical and postgraduate training on Family and Community Medicine is underscored by her passion to advance primary care in Peru and Latin America, which she has accomplished through the training of health professionals and my leadership roles the field of public health policy. Dr Cuba Fuentes has served on major strategic senior positions at two of the largest healthcare providers in the country, Peru’s Ministry of Health and the Peruvian social insurance (EsSalud). Dr Cuba Fuentes is also the founder and the first-ever President of the Society of Family and Community Medicine in Peru. Dr Cuba Fuentes has more than 20 years of experience working on primary care services with a unique in-depth knowledge of the Peruvian public health system, its functioning and barriers across multiple providers, and how this could be affecting patients with multiple chronic conditions.
Maoyi Tian
Professor at School of Public Health, Harbin Medical University in China
Maoyi Tian is a Professor at School of Public Health from Harbin Medical University in China. He is also an Honorary Senior Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health from University of New South Wales.
He received his Bachelor of Electronic Engineering from University of York, UK and his MSc of Biomedical Engineering from University of Oxford, UK. He graduated with his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and was awarded the MPhil degree in Public Health from The University of Sydney. Prior to his current appointment, he was leading the primary health care research program and digital health research program at The George Institute China office.
His main research focus is around the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases and injury at the population level, specifically including dietary intervention, primary health system strengthening, digital health and healthy ageing program. He was selected as the “Emerging Leader” by World Heart Federation in 2018 and awarded as the Fogarty Global Health Fellow by Fogarty International Center of NIH in the US.
Host: Jaime Miranda
Visiting Professorial Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health; and Research Professor, Department of Medicine and Director, CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru