Optimal Post Tpa-IV Monitoring in Ischaemic Stroke

Optimal Post Tpa-IV Monitoring in Ischaemic Stroke (OPTIMIST)


  1. To establish that less-intense monitoring is at least as good as standard  monitoring for patients who receive thrombolysis treatment for acute ischaemic stroke
  2. To establish that less-intense monitoring of patients is safe
  3. To establish that less-intense monitoring is cost-effective and allows more focussed nursing care.


An investigator-initiated and conducted, regionally coordinated, international, pragmatic, multicentre, prospective, stepped wedge, cluster randomised, blinded outcome assessed, clinical trial undertaken through a global network of investigators. The stepped wedge cluster (3 clusters, with 4 phases) will be undertaken at 120 hospitals, each recruiting average of 15 patient over a 4 month period per phase.

Further reading