How much sugar do you consume? Keep track with That Sugar App
It’s the 21st century way of tracking your sugar consumption.
Producers of the popular documentary That Sugar Film, in partnership with The George Institute of Global Health, have developed a smartphone application that helps consumers calculate the exact amount of sugar they are eating. The app converts the total grams of sugar in everyday food and drinks into teaspoons, that then goes to a daily tally that helps consumers track and moderate their sugar intake.
The app uses data from The George Institute’s database of nutritional information covering around 90% of food products on Australian supermarket shelves. It is the largest independent database of packaged food products in Australia, and is the same database that powers our award-winning FoodSwitch app.
Professor Bruce Neal, Director of The George Institute’s Food Policy Unit, said: "Using technology to empower Australians to make better food choices helps address one of the nation's toughest health challenges. That Sugar App puts a much needed spotlight on sugar, which is added to the food supply in huge quantities. By combining the message of That Sugar Film with an engaging smartphone app I hope we can deliver some powerful educational and policy outcomes."
Director and star of That Sugar Film, Damon Gameau, said: "That app has been designed to be used by the whole family to help calculate the amount of sugar in food products. We are very grateful to the all the support we have received from The George Institute for Global Health and Good Pitch2 Australia, which has allowed us to make this app and information free to the public. We hope it brings greater understanding to where sugar is hiding in our food supply and arms people with the appropriate knowledge for make lasting, positive health changes."
In addition to tracking sugar intake, the app lets users take part in sugar challenges and share their progress with friends and family on Facebook. That Sugar app is available on iOS and Android in Australia.
For more information, go to thatsugarfilm.com/that-sugar-app