01037nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001100001500042245007400057250001500131300001200146490000700158520068700165020005100852 2014 d1 aNeal Bruce00aDietary salt is a public health hazard that requires vigorous attack. a2014/05/03 a502-5060 v303 a

High blood pressure is the leading cause of premature mortality worldwide. Reducing salt intake lowers blood pressure and blood pressure-lowering reduces vascular disease. There is a very high likelihood that reducing dietary salt intake will prevent vascular disease and no evidence to suggest it will cause harm. With average population salt consumption levels typically 5-10 times greater than physiological requirements, even moderately effective community-wide salt reduction programs offer the potential for very large health gains. This opportunity has been recognized and adopted by the World Health Organization as a priority action to combat chronic diseases.

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