@article{22243, author = {Keay Lisa and Hickson-Curran S. and Chalmers R. and Gleason W.}, title = {Patient-Reported Wearing Experience From Hydrogel Daily Disposable Wearers Older Than 40 Years From the TEMPO Registry}, abstract = {

OBJECTIVES: To describe the patient-reported wearing experience over time among wearers of hydrogel daily disposable (HydDD) contact lenses (CLs) in the TruEye and Moist Performance Overview (TEMPO) Registry (NCT01467557). METHODS: Registered wearers older than 40 years who were recently fit with 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST HydDDs completed self-administered questionnaires four times during a year-long Registry. Overall opinion of CLs, replacement schedules, Contact Lens Dry Eye Questionnaire (CLDEQ-8), and compliance were queried. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance and signed rank tests. RESULTS: A total of 86 subjects (24% men, age 50.2+/-7.1 years) completed the Registry. Approximately 76% were new to daily disposable lenses, and 8% were neophytes. Overall opinion of CLs improved significantly after refitting with HydDDs (baseline 57% excellent/very good vs. 69%-79% at follow-ups, P<0.05 all vs. baseline). Changing to HydDDs maintained average and comfortable wear time (P>0.05), and it did significantly improve CLDEQ-8 scores at all follow-ups (baseline, 11.2+/-7.3 vs. 2 weeks, 7.8+/-5.8, P<0.0001; 4 months, 8.6+/-6.5, P=0.0006; 12 months, 9.3+/-6.5, P=0.01). Self-assessment of compliance was excellent/very good for 80% at baseline, and improved to 92% to 98% at follow-ups (P<0.0001). More than 90% never slept in their HydDDs, although compliance to daily replacement diminished from 2-week to 4-month surveys (93% vs. 84%, P=0.007). CONCLUSIONS: After refitting with HydDDs, older wearers reported significantly higher overall opinions of their lenses, better CLDEQ-8 symptom scores, and most were compliant with proper daily disposable lens use. Diminishing daily replacement rates from 2 weeks to 4 months indicate a need to reinforce that recommendation. Wearers of HydDD CLs older than 40 years experienced many benefits from refitting with these daily disposable lenses.

}, year = {2016}, journal = {Eye and Contact Lens}, edition = {2016/06/01}, isbn = {1542-233X (Electronic)
1542-2321 (Linking)}, note = {Hickson-Curran, Sheila B
Chalmers, Robin L
Keay, Lisa
Gleason, William
Eye Contact Lens. 2016 May 27.}, language = {Eng}, }