@article{20711, author = {Sherrington Catherine and Tiedemann Anne and Rosenbaum S. and Nijjar S. and Watkins A. and Garwood N.}, title = {Nurse-assessed metabolic monitoring: A file audit of risk factor prevalence and impact of an intervention to enhance measurement of waist circumference}, year = {2014}, journal = {International Journal of Mental Health Nursing}, volume = {23}, edition = {2014/01/08}, number = {3}, pages = {252-6}, isbn = {1447-0349 (Electronic) - 1445-8330 (Linking)}, note = {Rosenbaum, Simon
Nijjar, Sukh
Watkins, Andrew
Garwood, Natasha
Sherrington, Catherine
Tiedemann, Anne
Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2014 Jan 3. doi: 10.1111/inm.12057.}, language = {Eng}, }